Solution for Law Firm/Advocate/Lawyer/Legal Consultant

Law office Manager® Software helps Law firm, advocate, legal consultant, Lawyer to manage all legal case information, communicate with associates and other team members. Give access to client to view case details and download document at their convenient time. Law Office Manager® Software has a wide feature that gives opportunity to manage a virtual office and operate the software from any part of the world. It helps in understanding which team member is performing better so you can identify the best team member. The software help in keeping a regular touch with client by giving access to their case information and regularly updating them by text alerts and emails. The software helps to get all information at one place and easily study the case and read all the proceeding notes for previous dates of the cases.


Solution For Company/Corporate/Legal Department/Individuals

Law Office Manager® Software helps company, organization, legal department and individuals to securely keep all their matters at one place and can be accessed over cloud. The software gives access based on the level of access for each user. The software helps the head office to access cases information based on branches, advocates, courts and set hearing dates for each case, assign task, add letter, notices or any communications received by branches so all the data can be accessed from one place. MIS can be generated for each office, court or any advocate handling a case.


